During SCU Law orientation, they mentioned EMERY.scu.edu. What is this and how do I access it?

During SCU Law orientation, they mentioned EMERY.scu.edu. What is this and how do I access it?

Emery intranet system will be retired soon and all services will be migrated to the new law website starting in Fall 2024.
If you still need to access Emery.scu.edu then do the following:

Review this video to get an overview on how to access Emery.

Log into your MySCU, 
  • First, make sure you are logged into your SCU gmail inbox. Open any web browser, go to MySCU portal login page, https://www.scu.edu/login
  • Enter your SCU Network User ID (SCU Gmail address minus "@scu.edu" )
  • Enter your SCU Network User password (same as your SCU Gmail email password)
  • Select "G SUITE" tile icon. Now you are in your Gmail inbox.

Next, open another web browser tab and visit https://emery.scu.edu
If prompted to associate a google account with our Emery site, then click on "Sign in with Google" and select your SCU email or sign-in with Google.

If it doesn't re-direct you to your Emery landing page, then send an email to lawtechhelpdesk@scu.edu (or create a ticket on lawtechhelpdesk.scu.edu ) and make sure you provide the following information:

  • Full Name
  • SCU Email Address
  • SCU Access ID or 11-digit ID number

During normal business hours, you will get an email notifying you that your emery account is now activated. You will to follow the instructions in that follow-up email. If your email is received after business hours and/or on the weekends, your notification will come the next business day.

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