Exam Best Practices - What to consider or to watch out for while taking your exam

Exam Best Practices - What to consider or to watch out for while taking your exam

Avoid large copy/cut and paste actions during your exams. 
Examplify already takes up a lot of memory and doing a large cut and past action during your exam may cause Examplify to have performance issues, which may cause Examplify to freeze up. Use your best judgment on how to copy/cut and paste manageable chunks, preferably 1 page (about 250 words) or less, to avoid the dreaded application freeze. Otherwise, you need to learn how to recover from a frozen screen. As frightening as that sounds, Examplify does have a mechanism to recover itself in the event that the application freezes up.  Let us show you how.

If you need to add special characters in Examplify, then go to Format, then Insert, and then Special Character.

Why is this prompt telling me to acknowledge by the Academic Integrity Policy?
 This is a normal status prompt, and Examplify will require you to acknowledge the prompt by selecting "Next" until the prompt goes away. Any time that you are doing an action that requires it, i.e. Word Count, etc; then this prompt may show up.