Hello and welcome all 1Ls and new transfers to Santa Clara Law! Please review our SCU Law orientation playlist and general SCU Law student general playlist so you are ready for fall classes. A Flex JD orientation
We are here to help so let us know when it is convenient to provide you with valuable information and instruction on how to operate your assigned classroom. You can reach us at lawtechhelpdesk@scu.edu or create a ticket at lawtechhelpdesk.scu.edu. ...
Examsoft Support page: Before taking your exam Is your computer in good working order? Make sure your computer meets the minimum computer specifications for taking exams on your Mac or Windows. Examsoft has stated that it provides 24/7 support ( U.S. ...
What is the vendor and platform that provides SCU LAW the ability to administer/manage in-class and/or remote exams? What is the exam taking software that SCU LAW students need to use for in-class and/or remote exams? Click here, for a collection of ...
To help clarify the Zoom and Panopto Integration, we have designed the following guide that explains how it works. If you'd like to watch Law Technology AV manager talks about the process, check out our video on Youtube.